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Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist | Curriculum Vitae

My CV in a few words

Clinical Dietician - Nutritionist
Graduate from Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Swearing Year 2004.

Practice at the following public hospitals: Children's Agia Sophia, Red Cross, Sismanoglio,  Tzaneio, Euaggelismos  (respectively in the sections of Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes,  Nephrological Clinic, enteral- parenteral nutrition).

Teacher of Physical Education
Graduate from the Department of Physical Education and Sport of Athens (Exercise Physiology), Swearing Year 1998.

Specialty: Coaching, thesis ''Negative aspects of championship at an early age'', member of the Laboratory of Exercise Physiology in 1995 (Physical Education University).

Champion in the sport of track 300 and 400 meter hurdles, relay race 4x400 meters and 400 meters at indoors track:

Member of National Team race track in 400m hurdles and relay 4x400m for many years.
12 + years competitor (second to the World Gymnasiade in Bruges, Belgium 1990, positions from first to fourth in the Pan-European club, second place in the eleven nation organization in Drama 1992, 2 times 2nd place at Balkan race in Thessaloniki, 1991 and Istanbul 1992, 11 times became national winner, National record twice in the 400m children indoor track race, eighth place in the Pan-European club men in Monte Gordo, in Portugal, the 7th best performance of all time in boys, 18th all-time performance in adolescents).

Participation and monitoring tens of educational seminars and conferences (local, National and World) for both the subject of Exercise and Nutrition-Dietetics and even for other interesting items related directly or indirectly to my work, such as cooking seminars, psychology, drama therapy through visual art, chemistry (food analysis - water) and dyslexia.

Military service: December 1 1997, Diploma army (Motorized Infantry Battalion). 18- month military service.

School requirements: 21st Lyceum of Athens, 1991, Baccalaureate of High School [2nd Set (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)].